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informal solution

下面围绕“informal solution”主题解决网友的困惑


(非正式)为…介绍对象 ■(be fixing to do something)(N. Amer. informal)be intending or planning to do something (北美,非正式)打算(或计划、准备)做 you'r...

be confident of和be confident in有什么区别

4、语境使用不同 be confident of常用于 formal 和 written contexts,而be confident in在 informal 和 spoken con...


■ Change the environment---select a time and place distinguishing the session from regular discussions. ■ ...


Some of these groupings are often illustrated on the periodic table, such as transition metals, poor metals, and metalloids. Other informal groupings ex...


Informal social relations markets are also influenced by the supply and demand logic governing other market behaviors.35、科学进步与经济发展是不可分离的...


Informal Something amusing, absurd, or contemptible; a joke:【非正式用语】 笑话,笑柄:可笑的,荒诞的或可鄙的事情;笑话:The solution they recommended w...

what makes an effective advertisement?

highly formal image; others like to convey the idea that their firm's culture is rather informal and somewhat more casual.Like your slogan and logo, the...


no solution in sight.短期内没有解决方法Something seen; a view.看见的物体;景象Something worth seeing; a spectacle:值得一看的事物;风景:the sights of Londo...

求新概念3经典背诵内容 急!

They invariably live nearby and are always available for an informal chat or an evening's entertainment. Some of my acquaintances in the country come up...


Informal The full range of possibilities; everything. Used withthe : 【非正式用语】 一切:可能性的全部范围;任何事。经常与the 连用: ordered a pizza with t...

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